Colors on Geology: Culture Problem

Colors on Geologic Time Scale or on Geologic Maps form a problem to all geologists around the world, there are many standards  in color. I'll not speak about the history of colors or the culture behind the difference in colors, Geologic maps rely on color to symbolize the different ages of rocks. same area can be mapped in different colors, and you can use one or two reference to geologic time scale. USGS have standards and BGS have another standards, it's not the problem of 'Colors' and 'Colours'. When biologists made one DNA standards, they work on  the Human Genome Project to mapping the Human genome, the complete code of the human genome is one of the best science achievements. All Geologists need one standard for the geological time scale, or for Geologic Maps whatever it's source (origin) or it's culture. one standard is important for many scientific reasons.


  1. [...] - There’s no standard units at Egyptian Geological Survey. That’s causing a lot of problems, read some here Colors on Geology [...]


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