Why science blogging?

I have some personal reasons to blog about Geoscience and my career and I want to share my reasons with scientists and science student to encourage them to start blogging about science.
science blogging

Why I'm blogging?

1- Talk from scientist to scientist
2- Good social connection
3- Daily life blog
4- Fabulous data log
5- I believe in open science
6- To help my career
7- Enjoyable hobby

Why you don't blogging?

1- I don't blog because it's unnecessary
2- Joking
3- Hurt my career
4- Do much less to your career


  1. [...] want my next employer/organization prevent me from communicate scientist all over the world. The benefits of doing science blogging is obvious to me, but the FEAR is not clear to me. Because I can’t identify it! People fear what they [...]


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