YES Network Africa Symposium 2011

The YES Network is an international association of early-career geoscientists who are primarily under the age of 35 years and are from universities, geoscience organizations and companies from across the world. About the YES Africa Symposium

I blog this event according to my opinions of the session i had participated in it online via Go To Meeting, i used twitter update to blog about this event, i arranged it chronologically. I hope this be useful.Twitter Hashtags for the event was #YESAfrica2011

Starting the event 1st day

8:30 Am Amel Barich from YES-Morocco talking about her PhD research

-Then Ignatius Kamwanje from Malawi talking about the Kayelerker Uranium Deposit in Northern Malawi. It was Confusing presentation to me because the second half of slides running fast without explanation.

-Roberta Makoko from Malawi: "Oil Reserves Under Lake Malawi and Associated Opportunities"
"Malawi has only 2 type of economic mineral coal and Uranium" Roberta Makoko
Balancing biodiversity sustainability (fish populations of Lake Malawi) and resource extraction. I conclude that Malawi have to find drilling method that less hurmful to the fish in lake Malawi

Session 2 (Earth's Resources & Sustainable Development)

-Sibong'ile Phiri Kanyungu - Sustainable use of Groundwater Resources in Zambia - Undergrad student from Univ. Zambia. "Mining activity play a major role in contamination of  groundwater in  Zambia" Sibong'ile Phiri Kanyungu

-Diana Irenge - Tanzania - "A synoptic diagnosis of the 2009 rainfall shortages over East Africa"

-Hassan Mdala - Malawi - "The Malawi rift an plate tectonics"

-Abigail Mwailenge - Zambia - "Energy resources- Coal"
I conclude that Africa need "clean coal technology" for sustainable development.
the Recommendations for clean coal technology use in Zambia including how to introduce it into schools to increase awareness. Spkr recommendation: Add clean coal technology concepts to science curriculum to increase awareness in next generation

Session 3: Post Gondwana Geodynamics of Africa

Debra Colarossi - S. Africa - Paleoenvironmental recounstruction using palaeosol clay mineralogy in S. Africa. It was excellent presentation.

Samson Mhango - Occurences of Coal Deposits in Malawi and their related mining activities. "Malawi produce 70 000 ton of coal per year"

Ine Vandecasteele - The Increasing Threat of Natural Hazards in Central Africa. The Natural Disaster Database for Central Africa - very high frequency of events - floods, landslides,etc. 12 million people affected. Sharp increase in hydrological hazards in Central Africa since mid 1990s, but not so much for volcanic hazards. Major gully erosion in Kinshasha causing enormous property losses. 307 gullies with over 200 active gullies - avg ~22 m deep. Great talk Ine!

Can you imagine 94.5 km total length of 307 gullies in Kinshasha!

Manahloh Belachew- Dike intrusions in an incipient seafloor in Afar, Ethiopia: seismicity perspectives.

Zangmo Tefogoum -Cameroon - Mt. Bambouto Caldera: structure and environmental impacts
Mt. Bambouto Caldera -3,500 inhabitants living in caldera.
Mt. Bambouto Caldera - settlements in caldera and land use causing environmental degredation leading to landslides.
Mt. Bambouto Caldera - looking to develop collaborations & outreach to mitigate environmental degradation - your thoughts?

The end of the first day ended by a nice opportunity:
Full funding for ~100 African scientists to go to Australia for 34th IGC meeting - 2012 Brisbane YESAfrica2011. Visit

To Be  Continued......... 2nd day


  1. ignatius kamwanje14/01/2011, 16:48

    a point of correction for your quote on Roberta Makoko:Malawi has only 2 type of economic mineral coal and Uranium”. This is not the case. Malawi has many economic mineral deposits and the ones that are being mined in considerable quantities are uranium and coal and not as stated in your quote.

  2. ignatius kamwanje14/01/2011, 17:01

    again your comment on Kayelekera Uranium Deposit as being confusing is not well understood. may be you could say that you were left in suspense because somewhere in the middle of the presentation , I was told that the time is over after only presenting for 10 minutes which in fact all my friends were given 30 minutes. So I discontinued by scrolluing down while giving hints only until I finished with THANK YOU! can you elaborate where it was confusing: was it the flow of presentaion or the geology ? because honestly your comment doesn’t please me.


  3. Thank you for your comment, nothing personal here, i just blogging, it was confusing to me may be not to other because it was running fast, and now you explain the reasons. I'm glad you are reading my blog.

  4. Loving the info on thiks internet site, you have done outstanding job on the posts.


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