
Showing posts from August, 2011

جمع من الفوائد

- معظم البيانات وملفات الحاسوب التي خزنتها خارجياً علي أقراص، لم أرجع إليها إلا إذا كانت بيانات هامة أرجع إليها عند الضرورة فقط. مما جعلني أقلل من حدة الحفظ المستمر للبيانات. - يجب زراعة نبات له رائحة طيبة و يساعد علي طرد الحشرات حول أماكن التخلص من الفضلات في المعسكرات والمخيمات مثل النعناع أو الياسمين أو غيره مما لا أعرفة، ويفضل أن يكون مكان التخلص من الفضلات حفرة حتي يسهل ردمها فيما بعد و بعيداً عن إتجاه الرياح بالمعسكر. ويمكن إستخدام الفضلات كوقود لتوليد الكهرباء أو التدفئة إن أمكن. أسعد بتعليقاتكم علي هذه الفوائد و أسعد ب إضافتكم لفوائد أخري.

The White Desert, Accretionary Wedge #37

Mushrooms Image via Wikipedia The White Desert is located at the northern region of the Farafra Oasis . I had visited it within field trip to western desert. The white desert has been classified by government of Egypt as a natural protected zone in 2002 and covers an area of 3010 square kilometers. It's far 570 km from Cairo. The White desert is a unique geological phenomenon; where wind and water erosion sculptured their way through the soft chalk forming incredible shapes "Mushrooms". Along the road Baharia - Farafra, the main geological observations as many isolated hills and hillocks consisting almost of massive bedded, snow white chalk of Maastrichtian Khoman Formation. There are many fascinating geomorphologic feature accompanied the carbonate rocks of the plateau surface such as cave deposits and onyx,

Science Blogging Q&A

There was some questions in my mind when i start my blog, How to make a good blog? How to blog? What is the best style for science blogging? I got some good answer lately, I think it's useful enough to share it here with sci bloggers who want know the answer or have answers of the following questions. What is the best blogging service for scientists (Blogger, Wordpress, tumblr, or Posterous etc.)? Obbie King : The best blog for a scientist (or anyone, for that matter) is the one that that particular person finds most comfortable to work with and that most effectively communicates the content he/she is presenting. I would suggest "playing around" with some of the more popular platforms, look for ways to make it "look" the way you want, and decide which platform makes you feel more comfortable. You then may wish to get help from someone who's well-versed in your chosen service to set up the fine details and get you rolling.

Aquifers Properties: Specific Yield and Specific Retention

Aquifers Properties: Specific Yield and Specific Retention In an aquifer with a water table (unconfined aquifer), the volume of water released from groundwater storage per unit surface area of aquifer per unit decline in the water table is known as the specific yield, S y . also known as the drainable porosity. Hydrologists divide water in storage in the ground into the part that will drain under the influence of gravity (called specific yield) and the part that is retained as a film on rock surfaces and in very small openings (called specific retention). The physical forces that control specific retention are the same forces involved in the thickness and moisture content of the capillary, fringe. fig.1